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For an Apple and an Egg

Jeannette Lukawitski

I remember watching an interview of Steven Spielberg in the 90s. He was asked what he thought about the new wave of affordable video cameras and how he thinks it might affect the film industry. He responded that he thought it was great; that he hoped one day everyone had a video camera and made their own films and transform big industry filmography into an accessible art.

Well everyone (almost in North America) does have recording device along with their camera function on their phone. Everyone has a camera! The few who do not probably have a friend who has one at the same table and can ask them to snap a picture and email or text it to them. Has this accessibility watered down the image art field?

Some might say yes. That there are so many ‘newbies’ that photography as an artform has lost any sense of direction and has become muddied with (try a Reddit feed on the subject).

If you think of female photographers, you might think of Annie Leibovitz or Vivian Maier. But did you know there is a wave of new female entrepreneurial photographers who juggle babies, part-time jobs, home and a photography career. My new friend Katherine Verhage is one of these amazing women.

Using her Dutch philosophy of affordability and fair trade, Katherine is building her cottage photography business through friendly word-of-mouth, trading work for advertising, and building business friendships that are mutually beneficial.

Apparently, if you can get something for an apple and an egg, you are getting a great deal. Apple and Egg Photography, Katherine’s business name, embodies her philosophy of making family photography accessible and affordable.

I do want to point out that having many friends who are entrepreneurs, payment can often be an issue. Please pay your photographer! She needs to eat, buy gas, and her time has value, just like yours. -commercial break over-

I love having a yearly family photo, especially for Christmas. Katherine not only captured our fun-loving nature and jovial way of interacting, we all kinda look good… at the same time! Thank you for loving your art form, Katherine and being a diamond among the pebbles. I can’t wait till next time!


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