In looking for my first inspirational Canadian for my inspire blog, I came across so many wonderful people that my research list is burgeoning. One stands out, however. Capt Megan Couto.
She is an infantry officer with the Princess Patricia Light Infantry.
She is the first female infantry officer to lead the Queen's Guard at the Queen's famous Changing of the Guard Ceremony this year.
She is a captain at 24, having joined the Armed Forces in 2010.
She is humble, brave, and professionally calm.
She is from Toronto.
She fights forest fires too.
Wrongly, her opportunity to lead the Changing of the Guard ceremony this year was announced as the 'first woman' (or was it?). While Buckingham Palace called for a retraction, stating that she was the first infantry woman to have this duty, they have yet to produce data on who was actually the first female to lead the Changing of the Guard (I'm still looking). The British forces do not allow women to participate in close combat activities (thanks Canada for opening their eyes as not to miss out on such a fine officer). Yet. Capt Couto aptly points out that of far more significance in being asked to serve the Queen in this ceremony at all. That she was Canadian, leading Canadian soldiers in the cerimony played more significance, an honour bestowed in regard of Canada's 150th birthday.
While many of us want to celebrate female first for the furtherance of justice, Capt Couto prefers to be looked upon as deserving her winning the coveted ceremonial posting as a tribute to her hard work. A soldier first and foremost, Capt Couto performed her ceremonial post beyond expectation, flawless and authoritative, with the occasional heckler being shamed by supportive onlookers. While she credits rehearsal time and great soldiers to work with, we all know leaders cannot be carried in such a public display. Either they've got it or they don't.
Capt Couto's got it. Thanks for inspiring us to be our best, Captain! And thank you for your service...
Other Canadian Firsts: